Facebook Faceplants As The Metaverse Builds Marketing Distraction

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This is a podcast episode titled, Facebook Faceplants As The Metaverse Builds Marketing Distraction. The summary for this episode is: <p>Facebook’s stock dives 25% in one day, the largest valuation drop in the history of the market which coincides with months of strong marketing efforts &amp; hype around the Metaverse. Rich and Tim break down why Facebook fumbles in the market, while simultaneously Meta amps full steam ahead distracting audiences with the glimmer of their shiny new product.</p>
Why the Facebook market sell-off?
02:16 MIN


Facebook’s stock dives 25% in one day, the largest valuation drop in the history of the market which coincides with months of strong marketing efforts & hype around the Metaverse. Rich and Tim break down why Facebook fumbles in the market, while simultaneously Meta amps full steam ahead distracting audiences with the glimmer of their shiny new product.